
Forms & Application Materials

The most commonly used OABCC application forms are provided below and will meet the needs of most liquor license applicants.

For other types of applications or forms not listed here, contact the OABCC team for guidance.

OABCC offers an online option for several application types; click here for details.

A Supplier License is required for any producer or importer of alcoholic beverages outside of Delaware that wishes to distribute products for sale through a licensed Delaware wholesaler.

A permit is required for employees or representatives of a licensed supplier who will solicit orders in Delaware.

A Wholesaler License is required to purchase and receive alcoholic beverages from licensed Suppliers or Manufacturers and to sell and deliver them to licensed retail establishments, such as restaurants, taprooms and stores.

A permit is required for employees or representatives of a licensed wholesaler who will solicit orders or transport samples in Delaware.

An On-Premises License is required to purchase alcoholic beverages from a wholesaler and sell them by the glass or bottle to customers for consumption at an establishment, such as a restaurant, hotel, taproom, beer garden, club, or brewpub, or as a caterer.

Gathering Licenses are available only to registered nonprofit organizations for the purpose of hosting events for the benefit of the organization.

Review the FAQ for Gathering Licenses prior to completing and submitting an application.

Submission Instructions

  • All OABCC application materials are to be submitted in digital form via email to

  • Paper documents submitted via US Mail, courier, or express carrier will not be accepted and receipt may not be acknowledged.

  • Document submissions are not accepted in-person at the OABCC office unless special arrangements are made in advance.

  • E-signed documents are acceptable for submission.

  • Documents requiring notarization should be printed, executed, and scanned for electronic submission.

  • Each document should be saved and submitted as an individual .pdf file. Do not combine multiple documents into a single file for submission.