Delaware Alcoholic Beverage
Control Commissioner
Jacqueline Paradee Mette

The Delaware Office of the Alcoholic Beverage Commissioner considers applications for liquor licenses, requests for modifications to licensed establishments, performs inspections, and grants renewals of liquor licenses. The Commissioner conducts hearings on applications for liquor licenses when there is sufficient public interest, or if the Commissioner believes a public hearing is warranted, and adjudicates alleged violations of state law and regulations.
The OABCC has revised regulations related to license renewal notices, reducing the time between when a licensee receives its renewal notice and when payment is due. Reducing the long and confusing interval between notice and license expiration was designed to make the renewal process clearer and more efficient. These changes will take effect on January 1, 2025. Out-of-state suppliers or biennial license holders that have received renewal notices should follow those instructions and proceed with renewal – the change will apply to the next renewal cycle. Beginning January 1, 2025, all licensees will receive a notice of license renewal according to the new timeline and have 30 days in which to pay to renew the license. The expiration date on your license will remain the same, and the renewal fees for all licenses, which are set by the General Assembly, also remain the same.
