Jacqueline Paradee Mette Office of the Delaware Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner (OABCC)
About The Office

The Delaware Office of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner (OABCC) is headed by Commissioner Jacqueline Paradee Mette, Esq., who was appointed by Gov. John Carney and confirmed by the Delaware Senate in 2021.
The Commissioner establishes rules and regulations to control the manufacture, importation, distribution, sale, and dispensing of alcohol in Delaware to protect public safety and the interests of consumers while not unduly restricting the alcoholic beverage industry.
The OABCC considers applications for liquor licenses and requests for modifications to licensed establishments, performs inspections and grants renewals of liquor licenses. The Commissioner is authorized to conduct public hearings on applications for liquor licenses when there is sufficient public interest in the application, or if the Commissioner believes a public hearing is warranted.
The Commissioner is also authorized to adjudicate violations brought by the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement against licensed establishments alleged to have violated the Delaware Liquor Control Act or the Commissioner’s Rules. Sanctions and penalties against licensed establishments that are found to be in violation of state law or regulations can include a reprimand, fine, suspension, or revocation of a license.
Email OABCCquestions@delaware.gov with inquiries or requests for information.
This inbox is monitored and an appropriate member of the OABCC team will reply promptly.
Jacqueline Paradee Mette, Esq.
Doug Denison
Deputy Commissioner
Cynthia Mercer
Chief of Staff
Julie Gray
Strategic Planning Coordinator
Kimberly Cranmer
Data Analyst and Hearings Coordinator
Virginia Jackson
License Investigator
Kent and Sussex counties
Tweetie Cortez
License Investigator
Wilmington and New Castle County
Ly. Butcher
Administrative Specialist
Office of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner
Carvel State Building
820 North French Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
Phone: (302) 577-5222
If you have questions about Delaware liquor licenses, or have questions about your licensed business,
please email or telephone the office and we will be happy to assist you.